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Monday, November 21, 2011

One Night with Dr Creflo Dollar Review

It was on a warm tuesday afternoon that I joined the throng that was standing on a queue outside the Dirk Van Der Hoff building, waiting for the doors to the auditorium to be opened. It was two hours before the tuesday night service could commence yet the crowd outside suggested otherwise. The doors finally opened and we went inside. After a brief intercessory session the service began at ten minutes before six. Some of the VIPs on the night were already making their way into the auditorium, amidst jubilant cheers from the congregation.

The sensational Incomparables choir started on a high note with some African choruses which were followed by some African worship before Mandla and Sbu could take to the stage. It was during their performance that Bishop Gitonga- the host for the night arrived, followed shortly by DR Creflo Dollar and his team which included his son. After a brief introduction and welcome of the guests on the day, Uchechukwu Agu went on stage to perform his internationally acclaimed hit "My God Is Good." After Uche's performance it was time for the main event of the evening.

Dr Dollar's message thus commenced. It was based on the fact that "You are a Spirit, You possess a Soul and You live in a Body." Dr Dollar would use this phrase to ultimately drive it home. When a Christian is saved his spirit is born anew and become a new creature. The very power that raised Christ from the dead resides in the inside of him. The Christian immediately becomes hundred percent like Christ- in his spirit. But his soul (which includes his mind) and his body (which includes the senses) remain the same. Basically the body is carnal and it always is at war with the spirit. Hence if the soul and body are left as they are then the power that was deposited into the spirit becomes of no value.
Progress cannot result if one does not align his soul (and consequently the body) with the spirit. The soul was depicted as some sort of a bridge between the material and the spiritual. Before one is born again, the soul is in total agreement with the body and the spiritual lies dormant. But once one is born again, one needs to renew his mind so that it might come into total agreement with his spirit. For one's soul/mind to know what it is that which the spirit is all about one will need to look into the spiritual mirror which shows exactly how one's spirit (already) is. That mirror is God's word. A christian needs to read his bible and hence renew his mind accordingly.

When the mind is renewed then it will be in total agreement with the spirit. When this agreement is reached then the body/flesh is defeated by majority rule and it will have to submit to the spirit. When this state is fully realised then there is nothing that will be impossible, all things are possible. "You are a Spirit, You possess a Soul and You live in a Body." Once a person come into this stage he can be able to fully embrace and live in the blessing.

The following scriptures were read to bring the message home: 1 Thessalonians 5:23 ; James 1:23-25 ; 2 Corrinthians 5:17 ; Ephesians 3:16 ; John 1:16 ; 1 John 4:16 ; Philemon 6 ; Romans 8:6

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ro Zwi Vhona

Anyway, I was meditating on God's word, thinking about how Jacob after blessing Joseph's children leaned on his staff and worshiped. This was an oldman, probably in a condition more like the one President Mandela is in right now where standing up was a great chore- but he went to the trouble of rising up and supporting his body with his walking staff and worship God. I asked myself why? The text in Genesis 47 says he did this after Joseph promised to bury him in the promised land. In that moment he believed Joseph's words, I believe that was because he saw Joseph's faithfulness and God's faithfulness as well: that he will be buried in the promised land, that his grandchildren would one day go back and occupy the land, but most importantly- that Jesus would one day come- because he is the seed which was promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob- even Moses knew about it. I believe that when Joseph said "Yes Dad", all these images ran before Jacob's eyes.

Afterall, Joseph's response symbolized Jesus' response. Joseph's faithfulness to his father symbolized Jesus faithfulness to his ABBA. So Jacob saw Jesus die on the cross of Calvary at that moment. You might be asking: is this possible? Jesus told the Jews before he was even crucified that Abraham saw my day and he rejoiced. Let me come up with a revelation: Jacob saw Jesus' day and he worshipped. Although it was difficult for him to even stand up, he stood upon his staff and worshipped!

Then I asked myself: what might he have said during his worship? Immediately the words came to my mind, yet they were not words but a song- let's sing it together with Israel:- "Ro Zwi Vhona, Ro Vha Vhona, Uya Fhulufhedzeya Yeso". This is a Venda song that symbolizes God's faithfulness. It says: We saw it, we saw you- u r faithful Jesus. For the same way Joseph would be faithful in sending Jacob's body back to the Promised land for burial, Jesus was faithful in sending his body to Calvary for the crucifixion. What a God! (Psalm 18:28)

He is still faithful in our lives even today, no matter how hopeless a situation might seem, God is faithful enough to see us through. Let's look at our situations through the eyes of God. What He says we are entitled to we will get despite what the circumstances seem to be implying.